Food Philosophy

Food Philosophy Declaration



Food Philosophy

Food Philosophy

Declaration of Our Food Philosophy

We aim for “ the creativeness and inheritance of food culture using organic ingredients and natural material ” with local farmers.
We desire that all people can feel the laws of nature,
be sound in mind and body, and be happy.

Our missions

The recommendation and promotion of
“ the food culture using organic ingredients
and natural material ”

The recommendation of
“ the fair trades of cacao and coffee beans
based on international standards”

The recommendation of protection and
promotion of domestic and foreign farmers
who produce scarce valuable farm products
” and “direct-fair-trades of these products”.

The complete elimination of using
chemical materials to harm human bodies
or minds for generations.

The promotion of authentic food philosophy
obeying the laws of nature.

受付時間:平日土曜10時〜18時 年末年始は除く

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国内、海外の上質な素材生産者と共生出来る事業を目指す福岡市の洋菓子店shodai bio nature